In this paper, we propose a Sampling Adversarial Networks (SAN) framework to improve Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) by mitigating the hubness and semantic gap problem. The SAN framework incorporates a sampling model and a discriminating model, and corresponds them to the minimax two-player game. Specifically, given the semantic embedding, the sampling model samples the visual features from the training set to approach the discriminator’s decision boundary. Then, the discriminator distinguishes the matching visual-semantic pairs from the sampled data. On the one hand, by the measurement of the matching degree of visual-semantic pairs and the adversarial training way, the visual-semantic embedding built by the proposed SAN decreases the intra-class distance and increases the inter-class separation. Then, the reduction of universal neighbours in the visual-semantic embedding subspace alleviates the hubness problem. On the other, the sampled rather than directly generated visual features maintain the same manifold as the real data, mitigating the semantic gap problem. Experiments show that the sampler and discriminator of the SAN framework outperform state-of-the-art methods both in conventional and generalized ZSL settings.